Ezra 3:11, "With praise and thanksgiving they sang to the Lord: “He is good; his love toward Israel endures forever.” And all the people gave a great shout of praise to the Lord, because the foundation of the house of the Lord was laid."
Although we should be full of Thanksgiving year-round Thanksgiving seems to be the time of year that we talk about it the most. We all can agree that life gets busy, and it seems to get busier as time goes on. When we begin rushing here and there to get our things done during the day, we begin to find it easier to begin to grumble and complain and it's easier to make this part of the new norm if we don't put into practice, an attitude of gratitude, daily in our hearts.
This Thanksgiving let's break the cycle. Write or print out these prayers of gratitude for the next 30 days and put them into your prayers daily. Take time to expound on the prayers to fit you.
Day 1- Thank God for your salvation through Jesus.
Who else do you know who would give up their son for your sins? Thank God for the grace He gave you and praise Him that no power on earth can do what Jesus did on the cross. Praise God you have been given salvation through the great I AM and pray you can share your testimonies with others.
Day 2- Thank God for today
So much busyness through the day keeping us busy that by the time our head hit the pillow we wonder where the day went. Thank God for the gift of today and the opportunities He has given you. Thank Him for each breath you can take. Ask God today to show you things in life you can let go of and fill your time with things that matter.
Day 3- Thank God for your friends
Thank God for the special people He has placed in your life that bring you laughs and comfort. Who are there to support and help you in good times and bad. Thank God that He calls you His friend and ask Him to help you show gratitude and love to your friends. Pray for five special friends in your life today.
Day 4- Thank God for power over the enemy
When our hearts are full of praise our life is full of power. Overcome the enemy by filling your day with praise and thank God He helps give us power over the enemy. Pray God will help you be mindful of the enemy and that you can resist His advances throughout the day.
Day 5- Thank God for His perfect timing
When life is hard it is difficult to remain in praise and when we see others receiving blessings we haven't ourselves it becomes harder to find thanksgivings. We have to remember that God has specific plans for each of us in His timing and His timing is perfect timing because He is behind the scenes working it all out for us. Thank God for His divine plan and perfect timing and that He only wants the best for you. Pray that you can patiently wait as you trust Him.
Day 6- Thank God for your church
Church gives us the opportunity to worship with those who share our beliefs. It's a place we can find encouragement, strength, and support. Thank God we have the freedom of worship in a place we can assemble with others.
Day 7- Thank God for his faithfulness
Can you think of a time you felt there was no way, but God saw you through and made a way. Thank Him for His love and that He is ever faithful.
Day 8- Thank God for His love
God’s love is patient and kind. His love forgives and protects. His love gives generously, lights up the darkness, gives hope to the hopeless. God is LOVE and it never fails. Pray you can love as He loves, even those who are hardest to love.
Day 9- Thank God for wisdom
Proverbs is full of verses speaking of walking in wisdom and having wisdom is vital in our walk as a Christian. Take time to thank God for His wisdom, guidance, and direction, daily. Thank God for His Word where we can find wisdom and consult with God to help direct our paths.
Day 10- Thank God for annoyances
It can be hard to feel thankful with cranky kids, 10 loads of dirty laundry, and a messy kitchen, rooms that look like a tornado hit and a broken radiator or furnace. We may face setbacks just as we seem to take two steps forward. Yet we can thank God because He is with us through all we face big and small. In your hardest days pray you can still have praises to sing.
Day 11- Thank God for your future
There are days we are so down in the muck it's hard to believe God has a good plan for our lives. Thank God for His unseen hand that is always working to help us through circumstances. Thank Him that He does have a plan for us now and for our future that is all good. Pray for patience as He is working everything out for our good.
Day 12- Thank God for prayer
It is a privilege to be able to carry everything to God in prayer. We can go to Him with our hopes, dreams, fears, burdens, heartaches, and petitions. God even promises us the Holy Spirit who will intercede for us to the Father. Thank God for His ever-listening ear anytime we need to talk day or night. Pray that your prayer walk will only keep growing.
Day 13- Thank God for His provision
Thank God He knows all your needs and desires and will provide for your needs and will help you get your desires when they align with Him. Thank God for not only providing your food needs but also providing shelter, clothing, warmth, and clean water. Thank Him that He provides comfort, healing, and strength too. Thank Him for also providing the spiritual bread we need daily.
Day 14- Thank God for your gifts
Are you gifted in leading praise and worship? Maybe you're good at speaking, or musically inclined. You may prefer using your gifts behind the scenes and send cards to uplift and encourage, or maybe you're a prayer warrior or a born organizer. Every one of us has something inside of us we can use for God's glory. If you found yours thank God. If you're still looking, pray God will reveal it to you.
Day 15- Thank God for forgiveness
Forgiveness is hard to give and even harder to feel that we are worthy of it. Thank God that we can go to Him and ask, and He forgives and forgets. Thank Him for sending Jesus so we can receive forgiveness. Pray you can have a heart of forgiveness toward others as God does for you.
Thursday we will look at the second half of our 30 days of prayer. I hope you have a wonderful month this year and find lots of reasons to be thankful. For our Bible study through Hebrews I thought I would do something a little different. At the end of the blogs I will have three Bible verses on Thanksgiving you can read and take time to study what God is teaching.
Revelation 4:9 NIV “Whenever the living creatures give glory, honor and thanks to Him who sits on the throne and Whom lives forever and ever,”
Revelation 7:11‐12 NIV “All the angels were standing around the throne and around the elders and the four living creatures. They fell down on their faces before the throne and worshiped God, saying: "Amen! Praise and glory and wisdom and thanks and honor and power and strength be to our God for ever and ever. Amen!"
Revelation 11:16‐17 NIV “And the twenty‐four elders, who were seated on their thrones before God, fell on their faces and worshiped God, saying: "We give thanks to You, Lord God Almighty, the One who is and who was, because You have taken Your great power and have begun to reign.”
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