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A Little Light Can Make a Big Difference

Writer's picture: D. S. WellsD. S. Wells

Ephesians 5:8, “In the past you were full of darkness, but now you are full of light in the Lord. So live like children who belong to the light.”

“This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine. This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine.”


      Are you singing it with me now or at least humming it 😊. Have you sung this with your children, in church school, any other place. We hold our fingers in the air letting our light shine as we sing. Its lyrics are simple, yet profound.


     We are entering a new season of the year with many new beginnings. Schools are starting up again, fall sports will soon begin and fill many homes with their children, or TVs and husbands, church activities may be changing with the season, and there is an entirely new slate of events in the communities. This means we’ll be making new acquaintances, spending quality time with familiar faces, and getting to know more of our neighbors around the community. This also means it is a great opportunity for shining our lights, living our faith, out loud to those we connect with.


     Have you ever been in such a black darkness that it feels a little disorienting? I have learned to navigate through the darkness of our home at night. It is familiar and there is always a little light coming from something. The stove clock, your phone charger, little night lights around the home, for me we have a small light in the plug in our bathroom and that is usually lit in the dark. Outside you may have street lights or something illuminating outside that provides some light (we have a camera sensor that picks up movement a lot). You get used to these little lights and they help you navigate through the darkness. But what happens when your power is out or maybe you are staying in a cabin away from all the city lights with only the stars and moon, when it’s not covered, to light your way. I have a watch that has a flashlight on it which I have used to navigate in the darkness, or I have even used the flashlight on my phone. It’s amazing how a simple, small light, can make a world of difference in the black darkness of the night. The darkness can make one feel uneasy, but a little light can bring peace. Darkness can make one feel disoriented, but a little light can give you context and direction.

     If a small light can make someone feel better when in complete darkness, imagine how much we help those walking in darkness when we let our lights shine brightly, with Jesus in our hearts. There are so many people feeling lost, disoriented, enveloped by the darkness of this world and we too at times can feel that way too. The question is, are we letting the darkness consume us or are we pushing back and shining our light?


     “In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16  

     So why did Jesus use the example of light? Well, to begin with light is one of the most used themes throughout the Bible. From Gensis when God spoke light into existence over this unformed earth, to Jesus claiming to be The Light of the World, all the way to Revelation where we are told our new heaven and earth with be illuminated with God’s glory that no sun or moon will be needed to shine its light. 

     Yes, we are told to let our lights shine to this world so all will see who God is, in us. But what is that light we are supposed to shine? What is God’s light? It’s the unexplainable way we can receive hope over despair, peace over chaos, and joy over sorrow. John 1:4-5, “In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” God is light. Therefore, when we invite Christ into our lives, we secure His radiance, His light and we are not only brought out of darkness, but we can help others find that same hope over despair, peace over chaos, and joy over sorrow. Then they too will see and know who God is. We weren’t made to shine in the light. God created each of us to let our lights shine in the dark. It’s a call to action.


     “Jesus wasn’t talking about making sure we turned on our porch lights at night. He was talking about letting the Holy Spirit shine brightly within us. This “glow” means the light within you is how you allow yourself to be led by the Holy Spirit.” - Heather Riggleman,


     As followers of Jesus, as people in general. We are living in some pretty dark times that threatens to snuff out His light. An article at Bible Study Tools reminds us, “Now more than ever, we are called to be lights to a world struggling against physical and spiritual forces like never before. Especially as we currently deal with issues involving our health, identities, finances, and government, our presence as lights for God is so important.”

     Sickness is more rampant since the pandemic, no one feels as safe as they did before 9/11. Car accidents, cancer (lately this has hit home to many people I know). There are those who grew up in the church and have chosen to walk away? Those living in poverty? Our elderly neighbors who are shut-ins? Single parents trying to take care of their family, children at schools with bullies or all the shootings. In a world of darkness are you shining your light for Jesus or hunkering down in your home waiting for it to pass?

     This may be the world around us and not so close to home but what about the everyday ordinary moments that God is asking us to shine your light, like the server who forgot your order or the cashier who acted rude towards you?


     Shining your light is Jesus’ call to action for you as a Christian- Matthew 28:19-20. In all moments Jesus is asking you to use your gifts, your talents, your words, and your heart to illuminate hope to the hopeless, and faith to the faithless. God has a set of good works designed specifically for you to accomplish today, tomorrow, and the next- Ephesians 2:10. And the way to shine your light is to direct the eyes of those around you toward God.


     But there is more to this verse. Keep in mind that the goal is not for people to acknowledge the work you do. It is to point people to the goodness and glory of God… that they may glorify your Father in heaven. God has brought you to live in this time of history so that you can make Him known.

     Letting your light shine means living the best you can like Christ, and drawing others toward the hope you have. Although, let’s be clear. None of us can be the actual light, we are a light because we are reflecting the light of Jesus, to this dark world. Our lights shine with the good news, truth, and love of Jesus! It is when we invite people to come follow Jesus alongside us, they have a chance to see His bright light and be attracted to Him.

    When we choose to follow Jesus, when we accept His call to make disciples, when we accept God’s plan to bring believers to His kingdom and eternity in heaven. Jesus lights our wicks inside and the light shines through us for others to see.

     Your light comes when you:

-        You offer hope when there is none. You offer encouragement when it is needed most.

-        You offer kindness despite being surrounded by hate. You offer compassion in a world that cares about the bottom line.

-        You offer patience when you’re met with impatience. You offer to pick up another, dust them off, give them a hand, so they can regain their light and glow.

-        You offer Jesus. Your words, thoughts, prayers, and actions are salted with Jesus, and it’s shone through the mega lights of your soul.


     Let your light shine brightly. The goal is to point people to the goodness and glory of God. As we shine our lights, let’s ask God to continually show us how best to shine so we can be beacons of His life-changing — hope!


     “This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine. This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine. Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine!”

Before we can let our lights shine we need to have Jesus in our hearts. The best way to get to know Jesus and His light for us in by opening the Bible and simply reading. Our new study will focus on having Godly relationships and learning who God is to us. Take time each day to get to know Him better and hold your light up high for all to see Jesus living through you.

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog and if you'd like take a few more minutes to look around or click on my other links, God bless.

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