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A Symphony of Color

Writer: D. S. WellsD. S. Wells

1 Timothy 6:17, “Command those who are rich with things of this world not to be proud. Tell them to hope in God, not in their uncertain riches. God richly gives us everything to enjoy.”

There is usually one creature that can't be missed at any zoo. They can't be caged; they roam wherever and have a call you can hear throughout the entire zoo.

     Many people say these birds simply like to strut their stuff. And why not, they are beautiful with their metallic colors and long train of feathers. What is really cool to look at is when they have their tails proudly fanned out. Each eye on the feather’s deep purples, greens, orange, yellow, lavender all following a pattern all the way to the end. How beautiful their patterns are formed by our creator and following the design perfectly through generations.

     A Peacock is truly a beautiful bird but oh, how their voice can spoil it. No sweet songs, rather harsh cries like fighting cats. Of course, Peacocks know no different and proudly continue about each day calling out and fanning their feathers.

     The poor Peacock has been given a bad rap when compared to how we should not be as Christians. Proud, petty, and so forth. Today let's turn that around and see some good things we can learn from a Peacock.


-        Stand out- Romans 12:2

    I don't mean become loud and make a scene wherever you go. To stand out among the world others should see a Godly spirit in us. The love we show, by our holiness and Godly choices. Most importantly by our actions. We can walk humbly with God and others will see the Holy Spirit living within us. Be authentic, be true to your faith, stand out in your actions and words. Stand out in your beliefs and stand out in your work.


-        Be a colorful character- Psalm 139:14

    You are unique, you are special, God has created you for a purpose. You alone have the gifts and talents God gave you. Others may be able to use the same talent but not like you have been given. Don't fall under the stereotype of those around you, to fit in. Use your talents to the best of your ability allowing God to use you as He created to show the world His love and who He is.


-        Love boldly- 2 Timothy 1:7

   We have Spirit-given love in us. With that we are fully equipped to love others boldly, as God loves us. God's love is fearless, and it is in us, we should not be timid in how we are with those around us. God is love- 1 John 4:16. God didn't just create love, He doesn't exclude love, He is love! So, be confident to extend love to all around you. A bold love, a brave love, a courageous love, and a fearless love.


-        Share your unique voice- Mark 16:15

   Are you glad to be a Christian? Are you glad to be saved and to have Jesus is in your life? Then go tell the world. Sing God's praises, tell others what He has done for you. I am sure we all have at least one song we turn the volume up for and bellow out the lyrics whether we can carry a tune or not. That is the boldness the Lord wants us to use when telling others the good news. If you don't want to sing, then simply use your words. Share Jesus, share our salvation story, just share what's on your heart.


-        Bring joy to others- Philippians 4:4-7

   I enjoy being around my husband. Yes, it is because I love him but also because he easily brings joy to others. You can't help but laugh with him when he's laughing, especially when he amuses himself with the silly things he does. I've always told him he could entertain himself anytime or anywhere, even in a room full of strangers.

   A smile, a kind word, encouraging or uplifting words. Let your joy show through you and let the joy overflow to others. It's like a baby's laugh; their joy brings you joy. Yes, life can bring us down, but we don't have to stay down. We can find the positive in the middle of it too.


-        Stretch your stuff- Colossians 3:12

   You are God's creation. You are a part of God's Kingdom and God lives in your heart. Be proud of this fact, be proud to be a Christian. Wear your badge of honor where everyone can see. In all you do, all your talents you use for God's glory brings others to Christ, be glad and in all humility give all credit to God for allowing your life to be a light for others to find Him. God's light shines through you, so go ahead and strut your stuff, and let others see His light.


     The Peacock is definitely a magnificent creature and an interesting bird to behold. The artistry of their feathers truly are a symphony of God's handiwork and creative touch. Watching a Peacock is like God whispering in your ear: you are special, you are beautiful, you are enough, you are on purpose. Next time you are at a zoo, or you see a Peacock somewhere remember to look at the positive things you can learn from the bird and enjoy one of God's beautiful creations.

It is important to search and study the Word of God, but it is equally important to slow down, quiet your mind, and listen. When we give ourselves time to meditate after studying the Bible, God can enlighten our minds through His Holy Spirit.  Learning from the Bible is a lifelong pursuit. God is pleased with any effort we put forth to learn from His words, no matter how much we understand (or don’t understand) as we read. Greater understanding will come with time and consistent study. Let's continue our study on Jesus and the I Am statements He makes with lesson 5.

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