Hebrews 4:16, “Let us, then, feel very sure that we can come before God’s throne where there is grace. There we can receive mercy and grace to help us when we need it.”

When we wake up in the morning, we look at the day ahead of us planning for a smooth day. We make plans, try to follow through with them and begin our day. Yet, as the day progresses, we at times, find ourselves putting out little brush fires. The boss has piled on the work, the children are at it again, friends are at odds, things come up needing more attention than you had planned. Before long, the afternoon has come and you’re now running around putting out the fires.
The thing with brush fires is that they tend to break out in the heat of the day and if they aren’t attended to right away, they tend to spread like wildfire.
While visiting a fire station one day, one kindergartener seemed to have the right idea when it came to fires. One fireman began explaining what to do in case of a fire. “First, you go to the door and feel to see if it’s hot. Then, if you smell or see smoke coming in around the door, fall to your knees. Does anyone know why you need to fall to your knees?”
The little boy piped up and said, “Sure! To start praying to ask God to get you out of the mess.”
What an awesome concept. No matter what we’re facing when we mentally and physically fall to our knees, our thoughts move to God’s presence around us and His authority over our circumstances. When we fall to our knees we are beneath the “smoke” of confusion. There we can breathe in gulps of reason, calm and clarity. On our knees we are in a better position to see our way out of a room. We can then find a way to move in an efficient and productive way.
Jesus has already provided us the answers for help by giving us knees we can fall on before His presence. By bowing down we are reminded of Jesus, the One who has ultimate control over our lives and each brush fire we face. When we are in communication with Him, He allows us to see how we can be rescued from our circumstances.
When you feel those brush fires growing simply remember to:
P- Pour out your heart: God wants to hear all about it. The good, the bad, and the ugly. He tells us to go to Him with our worries and He promises to carry our burdens. Psalm 145:18, “The Lord is close to everyone who prays to him to all who truly pray to him.”
R- Realize God will answer: In His time and in His way, God will answer because He loves us, and we are His family. When we talk to God, we need to always have faith He is listening and answering. John 14:14, “If you ask me for anything in my name, I will do it.”
A-Always believe: You believe the sun will rise each day, seasons will come and go, and you will wake up each day. Always believe God’s Word and that He will never fail you when you seek Him. Lamentations 3:22 “The Lord’s love never ends; his mercies never stop.”
Y- Yield to what God tells you: One of the hardest things we are asked to do is to give up control over our lives. God is telling us that when we pray and seek Him, we must trust in His control in our lives and yield to His will. That is when we will begin to see clearly through the smoke and find our way to safety. Romans 8:28, “We know that in everything God works for the good of those who love him. They are the people he called, because that was his plan.”
A few sayings to leave you with….
Satan tries to limit your praying because he knows your prayers limit him. Never stop praying.
When life knocks you down, get up… and turn to God. When life puts you in high positions, kneel down… and turn back God.
Lastly, when you end your prayer with amen you are saying you…
A-agree with God
M-move with God
E-end with God
N-never doubt God
The Bible contains the truth and reveals to us the mind of God. Yet it is important to understand that it is not a private diary of God’s thoughts that mankind just happened to discover. The Bible contains revelation. God has not revealed all that He knows, but He has revealed everything He wants us to know. Moses said, “The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our sons forever, that we may observe all the words of this law” (Deuteronomy 29:29).
Since God revealed His word for us, what are we to do with it? Paul reminded Timothy of the importance of studying God’s word: “Be diligent [study, KJV] to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15). This is one of the things we must do with the word of God.
Let's finish our study through 2 Peter 3:14-18
Study 8, 2 Peter 3:14-18- https://www.docdroid.net/UHIcCuH/study-8-docx
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