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Writer's pictureD. S. Wells

By the Scars

Isaiah 43:1, “Now this is what the Lord says. He created you, people of Jacob; he formed you, people of Israel. He says, “Don’t be afraid, because I have saved you. I have called you by name, and you are mine.”

There is a story of a house that was on fire with a little girl trapped inside. When the fire department was called by neighbors, they were told the fire department was held up at another fire and would be there as soon as they could. As the neighbors watched the house be consumed by the fire, they saw a ladder go up against the burning house underneath a window on the second floor. Next, they watched as an older gentleman climbed the ladder and disappeared into the house and flames. After several minutes the man was seen coming out of the house, the little girl clinging to him. He set the girl down by the neighbors and disappeared just as quickly as he came.

     It was soon discovered that the little girl had lost her parents, and she had no other family. A town council was held to determine where the little girl should go, and who was best suited to raise her. One lady spoke up saying she was a teacher, and she could make sure the little girl had the best education. Another spoke up saying that his family had a good business bringing in a great income. He could provide the little girl with everything she needed. She would want for nothing.

     The entire time the little girl stood there with a solemn look on her face as the adults all tried to help her decide who she needed to go with. After several minutes of debate a gentleman walked in, scars on both of his arms. The little girl's face lit up and she immediately ran into his open arms. As they hugged, tears were shed. She recognized him as the man who had saved her life.

     The councilman hit his gavel down. “It has been decided, meeting adjourned.”


     Now I know I'm not the first to think adulting is hard. We've all been there and are still going through it. Bills, responsibilities, having a job, some have added a spouse and children. I have three children still in their 20s, still figuring out how to do the adult thing and finding a balance in life.

     The thing is. Being an adult does have its perks and I have mostly enjoyed my adult years, although I’m not so sure about the aging part yet. Yet, being an adult does come with its challenges, and having to make the right choices on so many things. Once we hit that magic “adult” number it can feel like we are all alone having to make life decisions that hopefully lead us in the right direction.

     Unfortunately, even if our parents try to guide us, we become determined to become independent of them and feel ourselves facing things we may not be ready for. The world will begin to offer many things that may influence our decision making. There's of course the education push. With the best education under your belt, you will make it far in life. I know at least three young adults who went through their college courses, graduated and now have found careers they enjoy, that have nothing to do with their degree.

     Then there is the direction this world entices you with, worldly wealth, and possessions. The phrase ‘keeping up with the Joneses’ didn't come from nowhere. If you choose this path, you'll never want for anything. Money is great and opens the door to many things.

     If you were raised a Christian, those roots in Jesus still go deep in you as an adult. Even when you go through your rebellious phase, mama's words are never far away.


     So, in the world of sin where the devil is beating at your door to choose his path because it will make life as an adult the “easiest”, how do you choose? When do you know you're on the right path, or when you’re steering off on the wrong path?

     It's by the scars. Life will throw so many ups and downs at you. Storms will come in, waves so strong that you feel your boat is going to sink taking you down with it. The fires around you can, at times, feel all consuming, and everywhere you turn there may be opportunities that may lead you to solid ground. When your mind is spinning with all the voices around you, look for the scars. The scars will lead you to open arms waiting to lead you on a path to salvation. Those scars have already saved you from this world of sin.

     Jesus has said, “look, I have engraved your name in the palm of my hands. You are mine, I will always keep you safe in all you face in life, good and bad. I love you with a love that never can be erased, and I will give you rest.”


     Like I said, being an adult can be fun, but for many it will never be as easy as it was when you were a child. We will still face stress and trials. Happiness and heartache. Highs and lows. We may feel at times, if we just chose a different path then….

     But, to find the calm as you navigate through life, Jesus is the path to choose. It may not be the prettiest, newest, or shiniest, but it's the path of a promise. A promise that Jesus will never leave or forsake you and a promise that you are forgiven, free, and saved. You are saved because He took your choices to the cross and died for you, so you have a chance at life. Those scars tell you that you will forever be safe when you choose Jesus as your path.


     We are all in need of healing in some shape or form: broken relationships, difficult seasons in marriage, parenting wayward teens, broken promises, broken dreams and the guilt of our past choices. We are all on the same path called ‘adulting’. Run to Jesus and His open arms no matter what is tormenting your soul. God has already forgiven you and Jesus already planned ahead and paid your debt. You are safe, and you will always know who Jesus is, by the scars.

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