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Choose You This Day

Writer: D. S. WellsD. S. Wells

2 Thessalonians 3:3 “But the Lord is faithful and will give you strength and will protect you from the Evil One.”

There is an action song I loved teaching my children and the kids at church. It goes, ‘I may never march in the infantry, ride in the cavalry, shoot the artillery. I may never fly o’er the enemy, but I’m in the Lord’s army.’ Then they would sing the chorus repeating, ‘I’m in the Lord’s army’.

Now, when you think about the army, you can probably picture soldiers all geared up for battle. They have their guns loaded and ready to fight for our country. The battles usually are very physical, and a lot of shooting and bloodshed happens.

So, what does it mean to be in the Lord’s army? Do you need guns and weapons to fight the enemy? Let’s look at a few examples of what happened when God was leading the army in the Bible. Moses didn’t have an army, just his brother Aaron, himself and a staff. Yet, because God went before him, he was able to free God’s people without force, only the Lord’s words and power through a series of plagues. Then to finish the battle, at the Lord’s command the sea split allowing His people to walk safely to the other side and then the waters fell on the Egyptian army as they tried to pass through.

What about Joshua and the Battle of Jericho? Perhaps a favorite of all generations. Again, God at the command, instructs Joshua to march around the walls quietly for six days. Now how was that going to defeat the enemy behind the walls? Then on the seventh day march around seven times, six times quietly and on the seventh round, still no weapons, just yelling, shouting and instruments? And we all know what happened, the walls fell down with no cannons, no hammers, just God at the command.

Another great story of being in the Lord’s army with God as our Commander, Gideon’s battle. He was asked to lead an army to fight the Midianites. Gideon started with a great army armed to fight, but God knew there were too many. After some tests from the Lord for the men, Gideon’s army was dropped from thousands to only 300 men. How were they to win now? But our God who doesn’t need swords to win. He told Gideon and his men to go into battle with jars, torches and trumpets. Instruments again? With God’s guidance Gideon and his 300 man army defeated the Midianites.

My last story isn’t quite a battle but a story of how, when we are in the Lord’s army, God takes care of us. Paul and Silas were God’s messengers who preached about Jesus to whoever would listen but because some of those in power didn’t like it, they had the men thrown in prison. Do you think they became discouraged? Maybe felt God had left them? How would you respond if that was yourself? They weren’t discouraged, instead they began singing praises to God and because we have a great Commander, once again no weapons needed. They sang and walls crumbles and shackles fell off. Worried he had lost his prisoners, the guard was ready to kill himself, but Paul and Silas hadn’t escaped, and they were able to stop the guard and the guard gave his life to Jesus that night. What an example of letting God lead and His care of us.

Reading the Bible, I know there were times weapons had to be used but it’s the other stories that show what an awesome God we have when we choose his army. And we see over and over Romans 8:31 come to life, “If God be for us who can be against us”, and Exodus 14:14 “The Lord will fight for you, you need only to be still”.

The real enemy is not this world, the real battle not against man. The battle is against Satan, who is fighting for our lives of servitude to him while God fights for our soul and salvation. We now have a choice to make, who’s side will we be on? The Bible is very clear, there is no neutral ground. Matthew 10:36 Jesus says, “He who is not with me is against me.” And seeing how the battles have played out with those on God’s side, I think I want to be in God’s army. Although, here on earth we have a heavenly army surrounding us, a host of holy angels, Hebrews 1:14.

Because Satan wants control of us, our battles are not like we know, they are personal battles in our hearts and minds. For me, for years, it was our finances and trusting God to help pay the bills or have money for the things we needed. At times Satan used my marriage against me. When I was finally able to win those battles by Gods grace, Satan found a different weakness. Now he knows for me it’s family and many times I have had to turn to Jesus to help me through another personal battle. We come through them, but Satan does not stop trying. So, my weapon of choice is prayer. Prayer for strength, trust in God and faith. We have chosen God in this home and He is in command and He always sees us though.

For others their personal battles could be work, friends, overindulging on food or excessive screen time on T.V., phones, or computers. Others, their walk with God or even family. No matter the battle, when you choose Jesus you will be victorious, 1 John 5:4 “because everyone who is a child of God conquers the world. And this is the victory that conquers the world—our faith.” And we have been given the perfect armor in Ephesians 6 and the most powerful weapon is prayer.

We can find encouragement to keep our trust in Jesus to fight our battles because He already overcame the world and Satan at the cross and has promised us victory through Christ, 1 Corinthians 15:57. The best part of all we go though is that once again Jesus will defeat the enemy, not with weapons but again with music. Jesus, one day, is coming in the clouds with the host of angels blowing their trumpets and Satan and those who choose him will fall while all who have chosen Jesus and His army will be taken to live with Him in heaven.

As you go through your day, claim Jesus as your Commander and tell old Satan to flee because you are in the Lord’s army!

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