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Footprints and Sunsets

Writer's picture: D. S. WellsD. S. Wells

1 John 2:5-6, “But those who obey God’s word truly show how completely they love him. That is how we know we are living in him. Those who say they live in God should live their lives as Jesus did.”

When you take some time and think about God's creation there are many different lessons we can get from spending time on the beach.


     Walking along the beach is a pastime for many, not just swimming in the water. For couples it can be romantic, the sand between the toes can feel good and be therapeutic. Of course, I'm talking about walking along the wet parts of the sand where you can leave footprints behind or feel the waves gently washing up around your feet and then roll away.

     Have you ever noticed that when you have children, they like to try to follow their dad's footsteps stepping in the footprints that he leaves behind. Of course, their legs are too small for his long strides, but they still try to reach each of them. They like to step in his steps because most children look up to their dad and want to be like him.

     Jesus has left us footprints to follow too. Our desire is to be more Christ like each day. Sometimes it can be hard, and we must take bigger steps to reach each stride. But He graciously makes each step possible by giving us the Holy Spirit. Accepting Jesus in our lives we are never alone again. Jesus is before us, behind us, and beside us helping us with each step.


Before and beside- Deuteronomy 31:8

Behind- Psalm 139:5

In- Colossians 1:27


     There is also something else we can enjoy when at the beach. Sunsets. They can be amazing, spectacular, and beautiful to watch. With the many colors as the sun dips below the horizon one can't help watching in awe and thank God for His creation. It can be sad to watch the darkness set in, ending another day and the light it brings through it. Yet, in order for us to see the beautiful stars shine in the sky, the light of the day has to succumb to the darkness of night.

     What a wonderful idea! We live in a world of darkness and sin. Yet, as a child of God we can shine like the stars, sharing the light of Jesus around us- Philippians 2:15-16. We are to glisten like beautiful diamonds.  We are to glow like fireflies in the darkened sky.  We are to illuminate the darkness like a candle flame.

     “We are called ‘to shine as beacons of hope and life for the sake of a dark and dying world'”, Jeff Olson, Our Daily Journey.

     “Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever,” Daniel 12:3

     As Christians when the Lord comes into our hearts, He asks us to shine His light, His love, and His life into a world of darkness. Also, take hope for the darkness will succumb to the light when Jesus comes again. Let's shine the Lord's light into this world around us.


     Ways to let your light shine:

-          Have faith and believe in God- John 3:16 and accept the Holy Spirit to guide you- Romans 8:6.

-          Raise up a family that adores God- Joshua 24:15.

-          Be active in making disciples of all nations, spread the good news- Matthew 28:18-20, Romans 1:16.

-          Be a mentor to new Christians- Colossians 1:28.

-          Be a good steward with all God has entrusted you with- Matthew 25:14-30.

-          Worship God, praise God, read His Word daily- 1 chronicles 16:23-31.

-          Have nothing to do with fruitless deeds of darkness- Ephesians 5:11. Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult- 1 Peter 3:9

-          Establish God's Kingdom with your talents, abilities, or position- Matthew 25:14-30.


     May the Lord continue to help you shine every day!

I hope you have found some extra time in your day to join me as we have been studying the Bible. Our lessons this time around have been about being right with God. Learning who Jesus is, learning why we believe and call ourselves Christians and so much more. I have said many times how the Bible holds so many gems for us that help us not only get to know Jesus and the gospel but to help us live through our days. I recently read this quote and thought it a great quote, "Jesus Is Not Only God’s WORD Speaking, He Is God WORKING" When we read scripture we learn wonderful truths. Jesus is: The SAVIOR (the One Who saves us) The REDEEMER (the One Who covers our mistakes) The BREAD OF LIFE (the One Who blesses our lives) The Only Begotten SON OF GOD (He is God’s Child). This is why the Bible is important to learn and read for in it we find salvation and hope in a Savior among a world of sin and darkness. Let's continue our study with lesson 4.

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