2 Corinthians 10:3-4 “We do live in the world, but we do not fight in the same way the world fights. We fight with weapons that are different from those the world uses. Our weapons have power from God that can destroy the enemy’s strong places. We destroy people’s arguments.”
Where is the real war right now? Are you in the middle of a war? Are there battles that you have that you find that it's time for the swords and pitchforks?
Okay yes, those annoying coworkers or boss that just won't let up might make us want to pull out the pitchforks. And yes, we all face battles daily with friends, family, neighbors, any person that we find that offend us. We also might be facing personal battles with addictions, our words, depression, or lack of motivation. But these are not the war we're in the middle of. The real war is being played out between God and Satan over our spiritual lives and our walk with Jesus. Satan knows that if he can win your life then he has one more soul lost from Salvation, so he is working hard to keep our battles going where we feel lost to the world. John 10:10….
But Jesus has other plans for our lives. He is looking forward to the day He returns to take us to live with Him in heaven. We have been given ways to get through those battles without the swords and pitchforks. Ephesians 6:10 tells us that we need the armor of God to take a stand against the devil's schemes.
Satan's goal is your life, and the battles are there to fight, but you need to fight in the Lords strength. If you choose to fight alone, you will lose. Satan and his demons have been fighting this war for longer than we have been alive and having our battles. They are so much stronger and smarter than you or me.
Ephesians 6:18 “Pray in the Spirit at all times with all kinds of prayers, asking for everything you need. To do this you must always be ready and never give up. Always pray for all God’s people.” God has given us the most powerful weapon to use. Prayer. Let God fight the battles for you, with prayer and claiming His word. You win because God cannot lose.
We have been shown through scripture where the real war is and how God is fighting for us. Daniel 10 tells of the time Daniel is on his knees in prayer for God's people. Day after day passes with no answer from God. Three weeks he prayed, interceding for God's people. I don't know about you but after days of no answers, would you get discouraged? Think about the times you've prayed about your battles with no answer in sight.
After three weeks Daniel has something marvelous happen. Verse 10-14 we read the story. An Angel tells Daniel not to fear for his prayers had been heard from the beginning. All the time Daniel was praying the war was happening between good and evil. While Daniel prayed Jesus descends from heaven to beat back the forces of Satan and his demons.
Although we may not see it, Jesus is at work answering our prayers. Next time you face that battle where you feel the need to fight, remember who your enemy is and how to fight. On your knees in prayer through the strength and power of God. Jesus is always by your side fighting for you no matter what you're facing. Be still and trust Him to win each battle because when the war is over those in Jesus will win and heaven will be our home. Today, give it all to Jesus and cling to Him for strength.
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