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God's Headlights

Writer's picture: D. S. WellsD. S. Wells

Psalm 25:4-5, “Show me the right path, O Lord; point out the road for me to follow. Lead me by your truth and teach me, for you are the God who saves me. All day long I put my hope in you.”

Isaiah 30:21, “Your own ears will hear him. Right behind you a voice will say, “This is the way you should go,” whether to the right or to the left.”

Have you ever had those vivid dreams that seem so real, they jolted you awake? I'm not talking about the bad dreams but the ones where you wake up and think ‘Hmm, I should write this down, this has a good message in it’. Then of course, you convince yourself that you'll remember it and turn back over and go to sleep. Usually, by the morning you don't remember what you should have written down.

     I awoke from one of those dreams thinking the same thing. Yet, this time my inner voice insisted I write it down. Since I keep a notebook by my bed I decided to write. I'm so thankful for the Holy Spirits ‘loving’ prompting because once I woke up a couple of hours later I couldn't remember a single thing about that dream. From what I wrote down I was inspired to write one of my blogs.


     I read about someone who had this sort of dream. They too thought they should write it down but chose not to. The dream was so vivid, there would be no way they'd forget it. Well… they should have written it down. By the time they woke up all they could remember was ‘NEXT… JUST DO WHAT’S NEXT!’


     Before I go further. Have you heard a phrase or read about something or a themed idea and then everything around you that day had that same thing presented to you? Or maybe throughout the week? Just recently I did a sermon at another church. They had no idea what it was about. Yet from the Sabbath school lesson to the song’s sung, to what people were sharing about themselves. Everything lined up with my sermon like it had been planned that way.

     Well, this person had a similar experience. Through their paths that week the phrase seemed to be everywhere. From dreams, to the devotionals she was reading and one of her husband’s sermons. Next, just do what's next. It was if God was speaking directly to her. ‘Do what's right here, right now, right in front of you’.

     For whatever reason, you may not be able to see clearly where your life is heading right now. It could be a loss of someone, life is changing, family dynamics are shifting, you're heading into a new phase in life, or just maybe you're trying to keep all those plates spinning. No matter the reason, you may be feeling uncertainty or fear of what's ahead of you.

     As a planner myself, someone who likes to be in control of uncertainties, someone who doesn't like change or surprises. This is a hard concept for me to grasp. Anyone else like this?

     God is simply saying, ‘NEXT…JUST DO WHAT’S NEXT’.

     Live for today, worry about today only. Tomorrow has its own issues and worries. Today, God is taking care of things and you-Matthew 5:25-34.


     After reading her story, it inspired some ideas about just taking one step at a time.

     Now there is something I truly do not like about driving. I do not like driving in the rain, I'm uncomfortable driving when I don't know where I'm going and I very much dislike driving at night. Especially down those dark unlit roads where there is nothing but miles of darkness and the unknown. Not being able to see what's ahead is unnerving. So, I praise God for giving man the knowledge to create headlights. I won't see everything, but I can see enough. They help me see the road ahead with all its stripes and just enough for those surprising animals. They help keep me on the right path.

     The headlights cause my eyes to focus where the light is shining. I must seek the light, trust the light to work, and follow the light. The headlights also give me some peace knowing that I do not have to shoulder the whole burden of what lies ahead. I can just, ‘NEXT… JUST DO WHAT’S NEXT.’


     Can you see where that got my wheels turning? Jesus tells us He is the Light of the world and when we follow Him, we will not walk in darkness. Jesus tells us not to worry about tomorrow or the future just do what's next. Keep your eyes on the Light. Seek the Light, trust the Light, and follow the path the Light is leading you on- “Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.” Proverbs 3:5-6.

     And Jesus has promised that we don't have to carry our burdens alone. He will carry them, keeping our burdens light so our path will be easier to walk on.

     Simply trust God and only go as far as He guides you each day. NEXT… JUST DO WHAT’S NEXT. Next time you have to turn on your headlights let it be a reminder of Jesus, our Light, and take everything one day, one step at a time.



  One of the best ways to learn to follow God's lighted path and stay on the path is through prayer. How does prayer connect us to God? Prayer is more than just a few words spoken to God before a meal or before one goes to sleep. Simply said prayer is how “we make contact with God, and likewise God communicates with us. Prayer is what allows us to come before God and learn who He is and what He wants for our life. Through prayer He not only gives me instruction for our life but gives us instructions for how to show others Christ. This intimate time with God is needed for every Christian. It is what builds every Christian and helps them grow in their faith. Second to prayer is our time we spend in the Bible. Through our studies of God's Word we can learn how to stay on God's path set for our lives, we can learn who Jesus is and we can build our faith there too. So, today we will continue our Connecting with God series with lesson 6.

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog and if you'd like take a few more minutes to look around or click on my other links, God bless.

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