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Happiness Diary

Writer's picture: D. S. WellsD. S. Wells

Philippians 4:8, “And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.”

Many have taught, and I have even suggested in past blogs, that journaling is a great way to communicate with God. Maybe even do some Bible studies. Counselors even suggest writing thoughts and feelings in a personal journal or diary. Yet, many times we turn to our journaling when things aren't great in our lives. Our diaries then become more of a ‘Sadness Diary’, ‘Complaint Diary’, or a ‘Difficulties Diary’. Looking at our diaries they then become a ‘Self-pity Diary’.

     Our lives have become very fast-paced, and there are so many things that happen around us we cannot control. What we can control is how we react to the things in life. Instead of a diary that can bring you down, start a ‘Happiness Diary’. A simple way to begin is to always be on the lookout of God's gifts to you as you go about your busy day. God works in ways that will bring us joy.


     The sunlight sparkling on wet grass.

     A rainbow after a good rain.

     A bunny darting past you, as you walk outside.

     Squirrels and birds scurrying about.

     A little baby's giggles.

     A child's imagination.

     Your pets surrounding you with their antics.

     Your friends and family with their hugs, smiles, and laughter.


     By looking for the good in life, you will find joy and happiness in the beauty the world holds, even when things in your life aren't going great.

     In a Happiness Diary you can record the good in your life and possibly the good you show others that can bring them joy as well. In the moment of your journaling, you are thinking about what has made you happy that day. You’re recording the beauty of your life. Then months later, even years later you can look back through your happiness diary and smile all over again.

     “Good journaling is not just an exercise in introspection, but a pathway for joy and a powerful tool in the hands of love.” -David Mathis, executive editor,


     In life we will see troubles-John 16:33. But Jesus also tells us to take courage because in Him we have peace and joy beyond our circumstances. John 15:11, “I have told you these things so that you will be filled with my joy. Yes, your joy will overflow!”

     No matter our circumstances a joy-filled life is within reach. It's a choice. In our toughest moments or difficult times our knee-jerk reaction is to see the negative, but we can make the choice to respond with joy knowing God has a purpose and plan for our lives.

     The Bible encourages us to guard our hearts and allow our minds to be renewed. Keeping a happiness diary can help with that. Joy is medicine and can help us heal. Keeping a diary can help take our eyes off the troubles and keep us from shutting out the possibilities God is giving us.

     Life happens to us all and the world is full of chaos, even our living room can feel like a hurricane. But choosing happiness and abiding in joy can give us calm in the storm. Joy is one of the best gifts God gives us and we can use it to guard our hearts and renew our minds daily.


     You may already have some joy choosing habits you use daily, but I'd like to share three more that you can add to your Happiness Diary.


1.     Thank God for your daily bread:

    When you're going through ‘down’ times in your life remember God is here for you. Also, Jesus our Savior, is aware of everything that is bringing you down. Remember the manna in the wilderness? God takes care of all your needs better than you will. When you're struggling with all that's on your plate, Jesus is your Bread of Life and is nourishing your soul with joy and happiness.


2.     Find joy to share with someone else:

     Reach out to a friend you haven't talked to in a while or someone you know may be struggling or hurting. Let them know they are appreciated and share some joy of the Lord with them. When you are sharing happiness with others you see less of the world's negative and more of the Lord's goodness that surrounds you.


3.     Meditate on scripture:

     I read a quote that I really liked. “The truth is your strength. Meaning, the truth is stronger than your trials.” When we have truth in our hearts we can withstand mockers, liars, and gossipers. When choosing joy you have a fountain overflowing with truth. Turn to scripture to soothe your nerves, calm your heart, and nurture your soul. Let scripture remind you of the hope you have. Write those verses down, memorize them, and let them reside in your heart, letting their roots grow deep. When you choose happiness over sorrow and claim God's promises, you can and will be able to withstand what comes your way.


     Life will bring loads of happy moments with waves of not-so-happy times. Always hold to the truth that the Lord gives you joy, His promises are real, and His presence will give you strength.

     Don't focus on your trials, keep a Happiness Diary and choose the joy God gives knowing something greater is ahead.

The fun thing about the Bible is that is can be a wonderful source of happiness. All we need to do is take time to read the words Jesus gave us and we can find happiness in our darkest days or days that overwhelm us. Today we're going to continue our Bible study with lesson 6 in finding faith in Jesus.

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog and if you'd like take a few more minutes to look around or click on my other links, God bless.

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     Don't forget to share with your friends some inspiration today and brighten up their day too.     

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