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Joy Vacation

Writer's picture: D. S. WellsD. S. Wells

Proverbs 17:22, “A happy heart is like good medicine, but a broken spirit drains your strength.”

Have you ever felt physically better after laughing with friends and family? Whether this phrase has been out there forever or not, over the last few years I have been made aware of “dad" jokes. Most of them can cause a chuckle, and roll of the eyes, but some have made me chuckle out loud.

     You know them. “What's the best way to put a spaceship to sleep? Rocket.”

     “Why can't leopards hide? They're always spotted.”

     “Why can't you surprise a mountain? Because they're always peaking.”

     “What's the best way to higher a horse? Bring a ladder.”

     “What causes dry skin? A towel.”


     Okay did I get a few chuckles or some eye rolls? 😊


     Who doesn't love a good laugh? You know the ones that make your eyes water and sides hurt. I will admit, I enjoy funny movies, good clean jokes, and yes innocent pranks that don't harm anyone. Baby’s giggles can brighten up my day. Animal follies can give me a chuckle. My favorite times of laughter are the evenings spent with friends or family.

     Laughter creates camaraderie and helps us find connection with others. When we share laughter with our children it can grow the relationship. Laughter with your spouse helps create a connection as best friends. A kids laughter reminds us not to take life too seriously.

     Laughter is an expression of joy that makes life easier, better, more relaxed, and sweeter. Especially when we, as adults, can get so easily wrapped up in our responsibilities, business, work, and the serious parts of life.


     I believe God knew what He was doing when He created laughter. We can forget at times that God created laughter. He is the Creator of everything, and every good and perfect gift is from Him -James 1:17.

     Having the ability to express our emotions is a beautiful blessing. Laughter helps us communicate with others in clear ways and soak up moments of joy and happiness at the same time. Also, bursts of laughter are a health benefit. It can improve our blood flow, blood sugar levels, immune system response, sleep patterns, and I hear it burns calories 😊. Laughter is truly good medicine.


     Even in hard times laughter helps relieve stress and helps us not to worry. When we remember God is on our side giving us victory over hard times, it can cause us to laugh at the enemy.

     Laughter can also be a response to God's tremendous love and grace which He showers on us. Life will give us good times and bad, challenges and victories. In all times, remember there is a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to praise- Ephesians 3:4.

     Laughter keeps our life in balance.  It's part of the rhythm of life. We cannot live in pain or grief all the time, or even be full of joy at all times. In the Psalms David shares his sorrow and anger with God, but then he also shares a balance when he shares his laughter and joy with God as well.


     God revealed His humor from the beginning of creation. Look at some of the animals He created. Then He surrounded Adam with these creatures and charged him with naming them. Some of these names show us Adam's sense of humor, and if we are created in God's image… and Adam showed humor…

     Solomon, the wisest man on earth, even showed his delight when he penned Proverbs 4:7. “The beginning of wisdom is…” Usually this is the time you see a list of ways to get wisdom, right? Nope. One simple straightforward point. “To have wisdom, get wisdom.”


     Overall, I believe laughter is a “joy vacation” that God gives us in the midst of our routines, stress, or difficult moments in life. So, laugh, rejoice, sing, and enjoy the God who gave us laughter, in your soul today and improve your overall health. Cultivate a merry heart and spread some joy!


     “Did you hear about the first restaurant to open on the moon? It had great food, but no atmosphere.”

     “When does a joke become a ‘dad’ joke? When it becomes apparent.”

     “I entered ten puns in a contest to see which one would win. No pun in ten did.”

     Sorry, couldn't help myself 😊 

Joy can be found when we read the Bible and learn more about Jesus and all he does for us daily. Through reading the Bible we can gain hope, strength and so much more. Let's continue our study The Importance of Faith with lesson 4.

Have a very happy 4th of July!

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