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Lessons From a Porcupine

Writer's picture: D. S. WellsD. S. Wells

Genesis 1:29-31, "Then God said, “Look! I have given you every seed-bearing plant throughout the earth and all the fruit trees for your food. And I have given every green plant as food for all the wild animals, the birds in the sky, and the small animals that scurry along the ground—everything that has life.” And that is what happened. Then God looked over all he had made, and he saw that it was very good!"

After visiting a zoo it's easy to remember the mighty lions, the big bears, the stripes on the zebras, and spots on the giraffes. Even the silly monkeys or noisy birds stick in our memory. But what about the little guys? We can always learn things from the big animals but in every animal, God created, He gave us something we can learn. Even from those pokey porcupines. This is actually an animal I used in one of my Sabbath school lessons with the little ones. Let's see what we can learn today.


-        Spend time in the woods:

     God can be found anywhere and everywhere when we look for Him. Yet, there is something so calming about nature and the woods. My hubby is a hunter and even though he goes to the woods each time to hunt, he has said there are times when he puts the gun down and just enjoys the sights and sounds around him. Nature has a calming effect that can take our minds away from our busy lives and help us to relax. God will use those times to speak to us, teach us, and enjoy creation with us.


-        Remember your good points:

    Oh yes, those porcupine needles are quite sharp, and no one wants to be hit with the needles, but those needles are meant for good. They protect the porcupine from predators. God created the porcupines and us. If He gave the porcupine pointy needles for good, do you think He gave you some good points too? Absolutely. Your gifts, your talents, your qualities. Everything about you that makes you, you, are good points. Thank God for all your points and ask Him to help you grow them, for good to others.


-        Have a gentle spirit:

     It may surprise you that porcupines are actually a gentle animal. They don't go and seek trouble; they simply live minding their own business. The Bible tells us to also have a gentle spirit. We don't need to go look for trouble. With those around us we can show patience, take time to listen, help where we can. When there are problems that arise with others that don't include you, you can mind your own business and let them be.


-        Don't needle your friends:

     This is actually a big one in God's eyes. He speaks about friendship a lot and has asked us to live in unity. Part of that means we don't go around poking our friends by needless gossip or over sharing that could hurt our friends. And, by all means a friend doesn't betray a friend and stick them in the back. Porcupines don't live together in groups, but they do find a partner and together they become lifelong partners, and I am sure there is no needling involved.


-        It's okay to be a slow poke:

     With life keeping us always on the go it's okay to find some time to slow down and not always be in a hurry. Remember, it was the tortoise who won the race, not the hare. The Lord even tells us to be still because in those moments we can truly hear His voice and learn more about scripture. Like, I said, my husband does feel closer to God in nature and feels he can slow down best, away from the busy life of work and home. Porcupines are slow animals, but I bet if they could talk, they could share many things they have learned by being a little slower and observant without the rush of life.


-        Stay sharp:

     Unfortunately, life is life and in nature there are animals that don't live in peace and harmony. Sin has trickled down to the animals also, and each has to protect themselves from danger bigger than themselves. So, a porcupine has its sharp needles for that. Sharp needles is the key. What damage can a porcupine do if he had dull needles. They'd bounce off the danger and the porcupine would be defenseless.

     If you learn anything from a porcupine it is to stay sharp in knowing the Bible. Keep your wits sharp by knowing God's voice. Because we have quite a predator seeking to destroy us. The devil is always out to tear us away from our Lord and Savior. Like a wolf, he is wise and cunning and knows exactly what to say and do. And if you think you know scripture, the devil knows it all that much more and will do what he can to use it against you. Stay close to Jesus and keep your points sharp.


     Isn't it wonderful looking more closely at God's created animals. What you may have thought of as a pokey nuisance actually has its place in creation and we can learn from it. We just need to take the time to look and appreciate all of God's creation. Take time for yourselves to look more closely at the animals around you. Each was designed for a purpose. each having unique qualities that help them through life. I have some more animals to talk about and will try to look at them every now and then through the months. Remember God is good in all things.

Along with small devotions we can read, it's great to spend time in the Bible learning, growing, and gaining wisdom and strength. We can learn to have a relationship with God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit and we can learn how to have a relationship with those around us. We are going to start our new study on learning to have relationships with others God's way. Let's begin with the greatest characteristic, love.

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