Colossians 3:16 “Let the teaching of Christ live in you richly. Use all wisdom to teach and instruct each other by singing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs with thankfulness in your hearts to God.”
Are we there yet? Sometimes I feel I have come close. With all the uncertainty around us, our routines being thrown off and our families close by our sides, more than we’re used to, I’m sure we’re all getting close to losing our minds if we haven’t already.
In all seriousness, how are we all doing through this world crisis? It’s getting harder not getting caught up in the craziness around us when it’s everywhere we turn. We love our families and have been getting some good quality time with them, but I know the longer this goes on the more my mind is spinning. I’m adjusting but some days are harder than others and I have to just put on a smile and move through it. Have you lost your mind yet?
Proverbs says it well, “We must guard our hearts against ungodly things, so it won’t run our lives (or we won’t lose our minds).” -Proverbs 4:23
There are three things we can do to help us keep it together during this time.
1) We need to remain faithful in the little things. -Luke 16:10
- Are you trusting God? Have you been seeking Him in prayer for help, strength, hope? Do you thank Him for the little things and the big things? Do you still go online for church while the churches are closed, or do you sluff it off as just another day to get through? When we are faithful God is faithful.
2) We need to be carefully aware of negative influences. -Psalm 101:3
- News stations, Facebook, the radio, people around us. It seems no matter where you turn the negative fills the spaces. With all that negative it’s hard not to get caught up in it. I’ve been there feeling despair, looking for conspiracies, letting the world bring me down. I finally had to stop looking and listening and simply believe that no matter what, God’s still in control and He is seeing my family through. Please look for uplifting influences or you will lose your mind for sure.
3) Daily feed you mind with God’s word. -Colossians 3:16
- When you dive into the Bible there is an uplifting joy that can be found. Read the gospels, learn some new Proverbs, find songs through Psalms. Seek God and find Him and shut the world out. This will help 100% to keep you sane and ready to tackle each day.
Above all, stay in communication with our loving Savior. Pray each day, every hour, and minute you need Him, and He will be by your side helping you through.
Now is not the time to lose our minds and join the panic frenzy of so many. Now is the time to sharpen our minds, hold onto faith and let God lead. Salvation is not far away and when we cling to God and remain faithful this will all be gone, and our life will be bright and full of joy with Jesus by our side. Have a wonderful week, make the most of your time with your loved ones and trust Jesus. The end of the forest is coming, and we will see the light sooner rather than later. Hold on and be strong and remember, “When you’ve reached the end of your rope. Reach up and touch the hem of His garment.”
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