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Meet God in the Morning

Writer's picture: D. S. WellsD. S. Wells

“Early the next morning, while it was still dark, Jesus woke and left the house. He went to a lonely place, where he prayed.” -Mark 1:35

How do you feel at the end of the day everything had fallen in place and things went smoothly? What about when you finish a day and nothing went right and you just want to put the day behind you? A day where everything goes right and feels right is always a better idea right? I'm not going to say that spending the morning with God will automatically make your day smooth and problem free, but I can say that when you meet God in the morning, no matter how your day unfolds, you will feel better about it. And things will go more smoothly when we have trusted our days in His hands. So, how are some ways we can meet God in the morning? Let's see what the Bible has to share with us today.

Lamentations 3:22-23 says “Your (God) mercies are new every morning: great is Your faithfulness.”

Each day we wake up to a new beginning, a clean slate. The burdens, trials, mistakes, hopes and joys of yesterday have been washed away and a new day awaits us. Gods plans for us today have begun and His faithfulness and mercy has been given fresh.

Mark tells us that Jesus arose each morning to meet with God in prayer which means there must be great benefits to spending time with Jesus each morning. It doesn’t always mean the crack of dawn for us who are not morning people, it just means make time for Jesus each morning. Let’s see how we can meet Jesus in the morning.

Find a solitary place: Luke 5:16 -Even though Jesus was always busy with His earthly ministry He found time to pray. Find a place in your home or at work (early jobs) to meet with Jesus be it your living room, bedroom, a walk outside or the dining room table. Use this time to quiet your mind and read, reflect and pray.

Prepare your favorite beverage: Everyone has a favorite drink from coffee, tea, hot chocolate to juice, pop or water. Whenever you decide to meet with friends it’s fun to chat with your favorite drink in hand.

Sing songs of praise: Psalm 59:16 -We all have favorite music that draws us closer to God. There is great power in praise and it’s a great way to defeat the enemies schemes he has set out for you. Hum a few notes or sing a whole song.

Read a Psalm: Psalm is full of short passages that can fill your heart with truth and power in God’s word. Jumpstart your morning with one.

Write scripture: While you read joy down verses that speak to you or bring encouragement to you. When we write things down we can commit them to memory easier.

Read a good devotional: Find a devotional that works for you and speaks to your heart.

Spend time in prayer: Talking with God can put our soul into a sweet harmony. We can find strength for our day, hope in our trials and assurance for the things we might have to face.

What are some ways you have met God in the morning and have you seen a difference in your days?

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Gemma Newbery
Gemma Newbery
19 มิ.ย. 2562

Lovely post.


Ashlee Nicole Explained
Ashlee Nicole Explained
17 มิ.ย. 2562

Good post thank you! I try to pray every night, if not at night then in the morning at waking up. We are going through stuff right not, so we are waiting for answers. Praying really helps me to get closer to God and release stress.

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