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Mr. Fix It

Writer's picture: D. S. WellsD. S. Wells

Psalm 51:10, "Create in me a pure heart, God, and make my spirit right again."

Have you ever broken a vase you really liked or maybe some favorite dishes or China? For some, they try to pick up the pieces and glue them back together even if they never will look the same. For others, they see the shattered mess and decide to just toss it away. Whether you decide to re-glue it or pick up the pieces. Everyone soon discovers the broken or jagged edges are sharp. Even the smallest fragments hurt if they get caught in your finger or toe.

I recently learned about the Japanese art of Kintsugi. Hundreds of years ago a Japanese artist decided to make broken China beautiful again. He decided to use gold resin to hold the fragments together. By doing this the China pieced together now had intricate veins of gold throughout it. He turned the brokenness into beauty.

There is a story of a church who put on a program. Everything was going fine until the last song. The worship leader began the song ahead of where the music said he was to be. There was a momentary panic among the singers and players until the music director chimed in through the headset and said, “I'll fix it.”

With a quick push of a button and click of the mouse he realigned the music to the proper timing and the song was finished without the congregation knowing about the potential train wreck.

Since the fall of man, this world has lived in brokenness. Life is painful and with all the sharp, jagged edges we keep hurting ourselves or hurting others. Have you ever tried putting yourself back together once you've fallen apart? Have you felt your life crashing to the floor and are unable to catch it before it breaks into pieces? What can you do? When you try to fix it, you spring a leak where the glue doesn't hold. Trying to repair ourselves is like a shattered bowl trying to repair itself. We need a Savior.

God doesn't want us to stay broken and we are of great value, so He won't toss us out either. Instead, God says, “I'll fix it.” Romans 8:31b, “If God is for us, who can ever be against us?”

God won't simply glue us back together. When God saw this hurting, messed up world He said, “I'll fix it,” and He sent His Son from heaven to earth so we would not perish but have eternal life. God sees our brokenness and wants to repair us. Unlike the Japanese artist who uses gold, God uses something more precious-- the blood of His Son. Instead of veins of gold, we are united by the veins of Jesus.

Yet even though God can fix problems in our lives, we aren't guaranteed the issues will permanently go away. However, with His blood running through our veins we are promised the strength to get through the hard times. Jesus even promises to give us a peace that goes beyond our understanding and we will endure whatever trouble we face- Philippians 4:7.

Sometimes we all need that voice in our ears to remind us that God can solve life's problems no matter how big or small. We need the reminder that He loves us no matter what. Whether you've yelled at your kids or have been hurt by friends, God can fix it. Maybe you've been caught speeding or caused an accident, God can fix it. Maybe there's too much month at the end of the money and you're stressed, or your job has you at the end of your rope, let God step in and fix it.

When we've accepted Jesus and allow His blood to run through us this is what Paul says, “And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.”- Romans 8:38-39

Now that's reassuring. God's love for us is a fix it solution. No matter what's happening around us, God's got this. Nothing is more beautiful than that.

I'm so glad Jesus has promised to be with us daily and will take care of us, especially when problems arrive. The best way we can have this assurance is to be anchored in Jesus. Our new study will be just that, learning to stayed anchored in Jesus. They are set up for a week long study each week which works out well since I only do a blog once a week. Today let's begin to learn how we can be anchored by God's mercy.

Study 1, Anchored by God's Mercy-

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