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New Beginnings

Writer's picture: D. S. WellsD. S. Wells

1 Samuel 12:16, "Now then, stand still and see this great thing the LORD is about to do before your eyes!"

As December 1 rolls around a different type of spirit seems to fill the air. It becomes a reason for giving and forgiving. It seems so many take on a personality of peace on earth and goodwill to men. I even heard it firsthand one day while we were out. A man said, “Here, let me get the door for you, after all, it is the season.”

     Yet as January 1 comes around bringing in the new year, the joyful spirit seems to fade away. The reason for the season now becomes resolutions to be broken, promises to make it a better year, and twelve more months to get it right with God.


     Welcome 2025, how has your new year gone so far? Are you hoping for a great year ahead? Are you glad to be putting 2024 behind you? Have you already broken your resolutions? As you enter 2025 what promises or blessings are you hoping for? What trials or heartaches have you been going through?

     God promises good in our lives and when we look, we can find blessings all around us even in the smallest of things.

     But there will be times we will face heartache, trials, temptations, struggles, and more. 2025 will be a great year for everyone at some points throughout the year. Yet, we have twelve months ahead of us for problems to arise. The good news is that Jesus did come to dwell with us, and He is acquainted with our trials, and sympathizes with our grief. Our Creator is a friend of sinners. Through every doctrine of grace, every promise of joy, every deed of love, every divine attraction presented in our Saviors life on earth, we see “God with us”.

     We have hope because Jesus’ love for every one of us took Him to the cross to redeem us by paying our ransom. Because our debt was paid at the cross, no matter what this year brings, we have the hope of salvation. The hope of heaven where we can see God face to face and walk with Him.


     We have all come into 2025 with blank pages of our lives before us. There will be pages we will fill with joy. Birthdays, anniversaries, births. For my family, it’s one of my daughters getting married. Praise God for those days, thank Him for the rays of sunshine in a world upside down.

     Yet there will also be days when you will be driven to your knees, with more questions than answers. When tears fall more than laughter.


     Not one of us knows how God will move in our lives this year, but He's going to move. The Bible tells us that all we need to do is be still and listen. He may be water to the thirsty or fire all consuming. His voice may come as loud as thunder, yet sometimes He whispers. Our God spoke this world into place, and He can speak peace to you. So be still and listen, God is on the move.

     When you feel alone, or your heart may break in two, your ship becomes tossed and battered, and you feel weary and worn. Remember ‘peace be still’ is already on its way. Jesus has already endured and now is walking beside you.


     As you go into 2025 are you making room for Jesus or are the doors of your heart and home locked and barred. Will you take time to kneel in prayer each day and study His Word. Are you ready to give your best to Jesus no matter what comes your way? To live in such a way that Jesus may abide in your heart and home. Are you seeking His face?


     As you go through 2025 you will have decisions to make. One decision will be to stop and worship or remain unchanged. My hope and prayer is that we all allow this year to be different. That we allow Jesus into our lives in both good times and bad. May we be still enough to hear God's voice, allowing God to move in our lives. I wish you all a very Happy New Year, may you have blessings more than sorrow and laughter more than tears. Remember no matter what you go through, God's got this, and He's got you!

One way to abide in Jesus and let Him abide in you is through studying His Word. The Bible is full of treasures from our Creator ready for us to find and grow from. As we enter this new year let's all take a few moments more each day to allow God into our lives just a little deeper as we strive to live and be more like Christ. Our study we started back in November will continue with lesson 4 as we learn to relate to others with gentleness.

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog and if you'd like take a few more minutes to look around or click on my other links, God bless.

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     Don't forget to share with your friends some inspiration today and brighten up their day too.     

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