“Praise the Lord! Thank the Lord because he is good, his love continues forever.”
-Psalm 106:1

When Christians talk about becoming more like Jesus they like to say pray, read the Bible, do devotions, help others and much more. These are great ways to become more like Jesus and we have talked about them throughout this devotional. What doesn’t come up enough and can have a bigger impact on our walk with Jesus is having and attitude of gratitude.
Scripture is full of passages that help us recognize the blessings in our lives and give us thankful hearts. Peace can begin when we begin to be grateful for what we have in our lives.
Today let’s look at Psalm 23 and we can find the root of many things to be grateful for. To begin how about God’s provisions for us (I shall not want). He will take care of our needs such as food, shelter, clothes, even finances to where we won’t need anything else. We are more important than the birds of the air and the lilies on the ground and God takes care of them, why wouldn't He take care of us. Be thankful for each day God has given you and for each breath and opportunity you have to share about Him. Second, God takes care of our spiritual needs (He restores my soul). God is here speaking to us through prayer, through the fresh smells of spring, through the bird’s symphonies. When we allow God in our heart, we will find peace and His presence. Like a calming lake or river can relax your and refresh you, allow God to take care of you and enjoy nature around you.
Thirdly, God will always show the way, (He leads me in the paths of righteousness). God has said if we listen for His voice He will tell us this is the way, walk in it. He promises to light the right path in our lives if we just listen to Him and trust His leading.
Fourth, God will always be by our side (I will fear no evil). We will walk through some low valley's at times, face trials and temptations, even feel lost and falling maybe even failing God. But the peace comes knowing God has promised to be by our side no matter how far we fall, He is there to pick us up and help us through.
Fifth, God shows discipline and comfort to help keep us on track (Your rod and thy staff they comfort me). We can be grateful when we feel the sting on discipline because God is helping us stay away from Satan and sin. It may hurt for a moment, but comfort soon follows.
Finally, God promises His protection (You prepare me a table before my enemies). No matter what or who we face with God on our side, who can be against us? There is nothing better to be grateful for. Our blessings surround us daily, we just need to look.
As humans we tend to want to take credit in all the good in our lives and blame God or sin for all the bad. But Psalm 23 shows us that God’s hand is in all that happens in our lives and that, we can be grateful for.
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