“And God can give you more blessings than you need. Then you will always have plenty of everything—enough to give to every good work.” -2 Corinthians 9:8

I want more, I need more, the bigger the better, there has to be something better out there for me and on and on. These are the thoughts that can run through everyone of our minds, especially when we see our friends and family doing so well and getting newer nicer things. A better car, a bigger house, a boat, paid vacations. These feelings are normal because we are only human, but these thoughts are also from the world’s thinking. When you think about it, the gold we treasure here on earth are merely streets we will walk on in heaven.
Satan will continue to try to tie us to this world by giving us the desire to want more than what we have. To never be satisfied with what God has provided for us. And without the love of Christ in our hearts there will always be a hole and we will always feel the need for more and more of worldly desires.
But God has promised us a simple truth. When we choose God and trust Him, He will give us more than this world can offer. Blessings overflowing and plenty of everything that will help us live here on earth. We just need to believe that Jesus is enough.
Everything acquired here on earth we can’t take to heaven anyway, so this is all only temporary. When our hearts are right with God, the desires thrown at us won’t bother us. No, no one wants to live in poverty and God doesn’t want that either. All He asks is that we be satisfied with the things we have and stop feeling the need for bigger and better. Leave the greed to the devil and choose God and His promises. Remember, in heaven all the gold will be at our feet, so what really is it worth to God? We are worth more than mere gold so believe God is worth more too.
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