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Writer's pictureD. S. Wells

Spiritual DNA

Romans 12:6-8, "We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith; if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully."

Who still likes to color? I still enjoy picking up the crayons and coloring in those lines bringing a simple black and white picture to life. It can be calming and fun to be creative at the same time. Even researchers have said that coloring benefits adults. Coloring can relieve stress, help someone overcome grief, add creativity to your life, keep your brain active, and so much more.

     Yet, it is not just coloring that we may enjoy as an adult. Every one of us has it in our nature to be creative. It could come in the form of photography, writing, building, gardening, decorating, baking, cooking, playing music on any instrument, etc. And why is that? It’s simple, we were created in God’s image and when you step back and look at creation you can see how creative God was. From the stripes on the zebra to the long nose of an anteater. Pointy cactuses to flowering trees. The birds, the fish, all of creation tells us that we have a creative God. If we were created in His image, then guess what? Creativity runs through our DNA.


     Now, the question is. Do we create just to have fun or is there a purpose to what we find enjoyable in our creativity? Yes, there are great benefits for our health when we use our creativity but there is still more, we grow when we channel that creativity. What we feel we are creative in is a gift from God, your talent. He has given it to you to spread the gospel to those around you.

     I am not great at photography but love taking pictures. Yet, I have a friend who uses her talent for photography and creativity to share Jesus with others. I could probably list many things I enjoy but am not the greatest at. Friends who are, use their talents for the Lord. You probably have your list too. But I can tell you a little about me as a writer, and the road the Lord has taken me on.


     Of all the things I enjoy, I truly enjoy writing and have since I was in sixth grade. It has been quite a journey, and I never thought I would be where I am now with my writing. I decided long ago to give this gift, this talent to the Lord. He has helped me grow and use it for His glory, to share with others. One thing I have always known was that I wanted to uplift Christ in all of my writing and that is my main goal when I pick up a pen and paper.


     I am sure you have had many sermons on using your spiritual gifts, allowing God to develop your talents. You may have taken the spiritual gifts test; you may already know your gifts the Lord has given you or where you shine best in your talents. You may not be sure yet and are looking for ways to find out, or you may have an idea but want to know for sure. No matter where we all are at, I know we can always keep learning something new when we walk with the Lord. When we seek God's purposes, we develop our unique gifts and help the body of Christ to function as it was designed- Ephesians 4:7-16; 1 Corinthians 12:4-7.


     So, what can we learn today to let our creativity blossom into what God has prepared for each of us.

-        Pray about your gift.

-        Learn from every experience. Both mistakes and successes are good teachers.

Philippians 3:12-14

-        Humbly listen to correction. Listening to more mature/experienced people keeps us from learning everything the hard way. Proverbs 19:20; Proverbs 1:8

-        Never stop learning. Be a life-long student of God - never retire. Psalm 92:12-15

-        Try new things! Don't limit yourself. Doing a variety of things, even things out of your comfort zone, teaches you important lessons.

-        Humbly learn from others. Proverbs 4:13, Proverbs 23:22, 1 Peter 5:5

-        Regularly seek improvement. Colossians 3:23

-        Set your mind on God's plan. Seek God's will, not your own. 1 Peter 4:10-11

-        Use it: write!

-        Develop it.

-        Invest it: explore new ways to use it for the Lord.


     This is quite a list of ways we can use our creativity for the Lord. God is our Master and Gift-giver and when we choose to walk with Him, He gives us all some way to use the spiritual DNA already running through our blood. Following Christ will be a wonderful adventure. We just need to be willing to be a lifelong student and seek Christ’s purposes for our life. If we are willing to be Life-Long Students, seeking Christ's purposes for our lives, He will show us the way- Ephesians 2:10.

     Remember we are made in His image; with Him we can accomplish many things When we choose to serve Him, along the way we can enjoy life.  "God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another." 1 Peter 4:10


     Grand or simple, I challenge you to do something creative for the Lord this week. It's healthy for you and who knows, it could be the gift the Lord is calling for you to use to spread the gospel!

Reading the Bible gives us wonderful benefits and helps us in many ways. Here are three reasons God wants us to read the Bible.

  1. Reading the Bible is how you learn who God is. The Bible contains His message about life, relationships, work — really all the things that give your life meaning.

  2. The Bible contains accounts of God interacting with people. It shows how God cares for humanity.

  3. The Bible explains clearly how to have a personal relationship with God.

The Bible holds knowledge, truth and hope for everyone. You do not have to be a Christian to benefit from reading the Bible. God made it so that anybody can read it.

Let's continue our study in Godly relationships with lesson 5

Godly Relationships- Lesson 5.docx

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