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The Answer to Life

Writer's picture: D. S. WellsD. S. Wells

John 10:10, “A thief comes to steal and kill and destroy, but I came to give life—life in all its fullness.”

I once read a bumper sticker that read “Pizza is Life.” This prompted the question, what is life to you?

This is a question we all have wrestled with as we look to someone or something to give us the answer to life. Not just our physical existence, but what brings zest to our life and makes us feel alive. Unless you truly are a pizza fanatic like the bumper sticker says, it's probably something different.

So, how do we answer the question. Well, remove the word pizza and fill in the blank: , is life.

What would yours say? If it was on the back of your car, what would it read? Work is life? Entertainment is life? My boy/girl friend is life?

Do you realize that how we choose to fill in that blank is already on display to those around us. We may not be a car but how we live daily testifies where we believe life is found.

It's easy to say I know the answer, of course Jesus is life. As much as we say that let's take a few moments for yourselves and take a hard look at yourself. Where are your thoughts, what motivates your heart and how do you really spend your time and resources? Follow the trail in your life and it will reveal the truth of what life really is to you. The Creator or this world. We can all say ‘Jesus is life’ but for many our actions are out of sync with our beliefs.

This brings me to my second thought to answer, what is life? Life is living it to the fullest, seizing each day and making the most of it. We grasp onto every moment and maximize every opportunity. We try to fill our lives to the brim with adventure hoping to reach the goal of a life well lived. Yet, we never seem to find it and are never quite satisfied when we do find a smidge of it.

The idea to thrive at life, not just exist, is part of our uniqueness in God's creation. We were created to grow, feel, learn because we were created in God's image and God is the definition of life.

The problem is somewhere down the line there was a disconnect. God intended us to live life to the fullest but to have that abundant life we need to have a relationship with Jesus- John 10:10. Yes, God gave us many things to enjoy but they too were meant to always point to Him. If we do not have that relationship with Jesus first, every experience becomes dull and limited and we no longer are satisfied in the Creator who imagined it.

So, if we have Jesus in our life the answer is easy. Jesus promises an abundant life to the fullest. So, we should have plenty to eat, good health, few troubles, and all the money we need. A life of lush green pastures that is comfortable and convenient, right?

I hope we all will say no that is not what Jesus meant. Sin has caused a menacing disruption to life that had originally been designed. Although God gives us good gifts and we can find those green pastures, moments, circumstances can quickly make that happiness vanish. A child is sick, your dream job becomes your worst job and so forth.

Life at its fullest will not guarantee constant happiness but when we have a relationship with Jesus, He promises to be an ever-flowing source of joy.

Life to the fullest is when we have an attitude like Jesus: empty ourselves of self, become a servant of Gods and live humbly. Surrender your life to Jesus and watch how your life needs less of the “worldly” stuff to feel like you've lived and more of Jesus who fills your life and you thrive. You are free to enjoy God's blessings, like pizza, but we all need to remember to not make these blessings the center of our lives.

Jesus gives us an open invitation to come to Him as the source of a satisfying eternal life- Ephesians 2:1. When Jesus is our life first, we experience life as God originally designed, fellowship with God- John 17:3. Material things won't make our life prosper. Life to the fullest is when we are reconciled to the Author and Sustainer of life.

“The abundant life is not about religion. It's not about church. It's not about how much scripture you read, or if you are a church member or not. It's about grace greater than our sin. It's about sanctified, holy living. It's about the deep-down assurance that you belong to the risen savior. Life to the fullest is god's gift to us.” -Tim McConnell

Today, take a real look at your thoughts, motivations, and actions. How do you fill in the blank?

When we are seeking any answers to anything we are facing in life or want to learn more about we only need to go to one source. Not the dictionary, thesaurus, or google. We simply need to open God's Word. It's in it's pages that God speaks to us and guides us through stories, situations, and just simply teaching. God's Word is here for us day and night and when we open the pages, God is right there with us speaking and sharing. Today let's finish our study through Titus 3:8-15.

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