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The Greatest Love Story

Writer's picture: D. S. WellsD. S. Wells

Colossians 3:14, "Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds us all together in perfect harmony."

Talking about love should flow easily and be talked about daily, not just once a year. If you ask people what they think is the greatest love story you'd probably get answers like Romeo and Juliet or Johnny Cash and June Carter. Maybe even Mark Antony and Cleopatra or even Prince William and Princess Catherine. All these portray stories of true love, but the greatest love story ever told involves you.

Once upon a time… always a good start. Once upon a time there was a world that had fallen into sin. Because of that sin mankind was doomed and the people began to lose hope. They were unable to attain righteousness and had a hard time following God's law. They needed help.

God saw His people and knew they needed help as they were failing and falling more into a world of sin. He loved these people so much and decided there was only one way to save His lost people. He decided to send His Son to the world as a man so they could be saved.

(Never underestimate God's plan when He sets it in motion. God's unconditional love for us cannot compare to any love story we know on this earth- Jeremiah 31:3, “And from far away the Lord appeared to his people and said, “I love you people with a love that will last forever. That is why I have continued showing you kindness.)

Our story continues with Jesus coming to this earth with one objective. Save us… ALL of us. We read in the gospels how Jesus traveled, teaching all who would listen, the good news of God. Jesus healed, performed miracles, and helped those around Him find their lost hope and gave them a promise of redemption. Jeremiah 31:31-34.

Jesus was like us, yet He was without sin, He found it almost impossible to do wrong. There may have been a time or two that He had His moments, but His love for mankind and His connection to God kept the moments away as He came to serve and to give His life as ransom for every one of us. Knowing He would die for us, He still chose to live, teach, and walk with us because of His great love for us.

Jesus was sent to earth to die for our sins so we might have eternal life. As our story goes on, we find Jesus on the cross, brutally beaten, cursed, and mocked for OUR sins. The nails driven into His hands were for US on behalf of US. Can you think of a greater love than that? Can you say you could ever love like that? John 15:13.

This is a love far beyond our comprehension. There were no strings attached. Jesus wasn't persuaded or forced to die for us. He certainly had the power to stop the events from unfolding the way they did. Jesus’ choice was out of pure love. He literally died for you and me, no other reason.

Paul even wishes us in Ephesians that the people could one day comprehend this love because when we truly know or understand the depth of God's love, God's fullness will fill us completely and we will know beyond a shadow of doubt that nothing will separate us from God. When we fall, when we fail, when we sin (which we will do); God will still love us, He won't turn His back on us, and if, and this has to be on us, if we let Him into our life, He will lead us on the path to righteousness and salvation. How amazing is God's love!

Our story has a beautiful ending. Yes, Jesus died, but three days later He rose again. After 40 days He went back to Heaven and it's just a matter of time now and He will come again to take the redeemed to live with Him forever, free from sin and this world. You and I are part of the greatest love story and there's still much more of the story to come.

I love my husband, my three children, my family and friends. Yet, I know there is no way I can love them the way Jesus loves me. I can love them the best I know how and I can show love to Jesus the best I can, but nothing I do will compare to His love. This I believe is the greatest love story of all time.

The Bible contains God’s spoken word, written for all people at all times. There is a message to each of us, on every page of the Bible, and it is given for learning, conviction, correction and instruction in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16). From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible reveals Jesus as our Creator and our Christ, our Redeemer and our Restorer, our Savior and our Sanctifier, our High Priest and our Hope, our Comfort and our Coming King. Without the Bible, our understanding of who Jesus is, what He has done for us and who we are in Him would be limited. The Bible reveals the mercy, grace, and loving-kindness of God, our need for a Savior, God’s great love for us, and absolutely everything we need to know to live our earthly lives. Let's begin our new study through Titus reading Titus 1:1-8.

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