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Walk With...

Writer's picture: D. S. WellsD. S. Wells

1 John 2:6, “Those who say they live in God should live their lives as Jesus did.”

Do you like to go for walks? A beautiful sunny day when the sun is not too hot, and the breeze blows every so often. A walk down a trail, trees surrounding you, or a dusty road away from traffic where you can see and hear nature around you. Do you like to walk alone, or with someone or even a group of friends? I even read that if you walk three times a day at a brisk pace, it can help keep you in shape physically. Maybe we all could benefit from a little more walking 😊


     As Christians, life is not only about our health and the physical. To grow in life, to make it through life, we need to walk spiritually too. The phrase “Walking with God” paints a beautiful picture of journeying through life with God.


     This begins with walking with intent. Jesus has given us the path that leads to salvation. It can be difficult at times, and it is narrow, but it will lead us home. Yet, to walk on this path we have to make the choice. God has called us all to walk a path that leads us home, and along the way we are to help others find the Lord. This is our God-given purpose. So, with every decision we make we have to walk in a direction. To walk with intent, we must consider the path we are on, so we stay walking with God, away from this world and toward heaven. Away from sin and walking in the righteousness God has given us- Hebrews 12:2.

     Being a little off course can make a big difference. It's like math problems. You make the wrong choice along the way and the solution is all wrong. So it is in life, we need to always ponder the path of our feet, so all our ways can be established- Proverbs 4:26.


     We need to walk in harmony with God. Amos 3 gives us a great example of we need when walking with God. “Can two walk together, unless they are agreed?” To walk with God, you must start together.

     The term together in the original language implies two people moving as a single unit. To walk with God means you are walking in harmony with Him. You are syncing together you are on the same page. God has graciously given us all we need, to know His truths and as we study and learn them, we begin to walk together in agreement. If our intent is to live a Godly life that leads to salvation than we are united in the same goal as Jesus and moving together as a single unit. We are walking with God in harmony, which means we are abiding in Him and He will abide in us.

     When we do not agree there is separation, togetherness is broken, visions are clouded. As a child of God, the idea of being separated from God brings an ache in my heart and a place I don't want to be.


     Walking with God requires us to walk in step with God. If you're walking with someone and they are several steps behind you or ahead of you, are you really walking with someone? To walk in step with God we need to wait upon Him- Isaiah 40:31, surrender to His timing. When you take a trip do you usually know how things should happen or how far you need to go, adding in bathroom/food/gas/rest brakes? To walk in step with God is knowing God's ways are not our ways. His timing is not our timing and we must allow His steps to lead us along our journey with Him. Being in step with Christ is the foundation for every Christian’s life. Living a lifestyle in step with God can be like walking down the quiet country road. At times the dust will stir up but, in the calm, we can enjoy our walk with God like a walk with our best friend.

     But we must trust God and let Him lead. He knows the way; He's walked the path before us. You may be great at starting with God but if you allow this world to distract you, it won't take long before you are no longer walking together. This requires drawing close to God over and over again. Have you ever felt close to God in the morning yet far away by evening? Maybe you've had a wonderful time with God in church but by the weeks end He's a vague memory.

     Stay in step with God through awareness. Spend time in prayer and studying God's Word. Look for ways to experience God in meaningful ways. Everything for a believer rises and falls on their relationship and fellowship with God.


     Lastly, simply take it one step at a time. Walking is motion, each step you take will move you forward and progress to the end is being made. If you start with God and know where He's going, all that's left to do is walk.

     I remember when I started walking regularly with my daughter. We turned down the dirt road and I would at times fix my eyes on the end. “When we reach this point, we can turn around before my legs give out.” Sure, we’d talk and look around but, in my mind, I looked for the turn around point more often than not. Don't let your journey be fixed on the end. God knows where He's going, He knows the points we need for rest or strength. Instead, faithfully take each step looking for those amazing moments along the way. It's the small moments that prepare us for the big ones. Trust God to give you all you need with each step and keep your eyes fixed on Him.


     As we step into a new year refreshed and driven, let us step into it with intention and purpose. As we set our goals and refocus our energy on maybe exercising more, eating healthier, shedding the extra holiday weight from that awesome fudge. Let us also take a few moments to think about our spiritual lives as well. Life happens and our busy day-to-day can get in the way of the time in the Word, prayer, and fellowship with our Creator. Let's all make a point to walk closer with God one step at a time, agreeing with God's timing and purpose. Let our walk be fueled with the joy of salvation and the power of the Holy Spirit guiding us in our spiritual growth and living for Jesus. No matter where God leads remember you are never alone- Hebrews 13:5.

     Have a great walk today and every day!

One of the best ways to walk with God is diving into His Word and learning more about Him and His promises. We are starting a new study in the Bible letting the Lord show us new and many things as we continue into this new year. Today our study will be God’s View of Your Goal.

Study 1- Lesson 1.docx

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